What Habits Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Your habits are the silent architects of your life!

What you do every day, how you do it and why you do it, all contribute to your outcomes.

We often do things without thinking. We have done something the same way, day after day for so long that we often don’t give these ingrained actions a second thought.

But what if we were to stop…… and consider our actions and how we could gently shift our actions even by 1% in a different direction to allow us to achieve exponentially different outcomes.

When I work with client’s to enhance their Mental Toughness, we work on not only goal setting, but how you can gain “stickability” to those goals and outcomes by taking the steps needed to achieve them.

When we consider our goals – we need to recognise there are two types of goals:

·        Outcome goals and

·        Process goals

We often spend too much time focused on the first. It is great to have a goal providing us a visual of what we want to achieve, but often what we fail to consider is how we are going to get there. What is the process and actions we are going to achieve which will help us achieve this goal.

This post serves as visual reminder of the power of focusing on the second type of goal.